Monday, September 30, 2019

Informative Speech on Rwandan Genocide Outline

Ben Johnson Intro to Comm. 1320-04 11/8/12 Rwandan Genocide General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To share with the class that the Rwandan Genocide was a brutal genocide that most people know little about. Thesis: The Rwandan Genocide is one of the lesser known, quickest, and most inhumane genocides this world has ever seen, and it is still affecting the people of Rwanda till this day. Organizational Pattern: Topical Introduction I. Attention Getter: What some people do not know is that Rwanda was home to the most brutal genocide this world has ever seen.There is a book of testimonies where the survivors of the Rwandan genocide told their story of their struggle to survive called, Survival Against the Odds. There was one survivor named Dephrosa, and this is a quote from her testimony. â€Å"They brought us all in the sitting room and started forcing us to take our clothes off. The housekeeper rapped me. My husband wanted to intervene but they staved him off by hitting him wit h a masus [a club with nails] on his neck. He fell back in the chair. the husband was not killed right away they kept him alive to watch multiple men rape his wife and daughters for several days until they finally killed him. II. Connection: I am not here to tell you my opinion about how the Untied States, the Untied Nations, or the world should have handled this historical tragedy. I am here to share with you what had happened to three-quarters of the Tutsi race in Rwanda. III. Thesis Statement: The Rwandan Genocide is one of the lesser known, quickest, and most inhumane genocides this world has ever seen and it is still affecting the people of Rwanda till this day. Related reading: Informative Speech About AfricaIV. Transition: When most people think about genocide the first thing that comes to their mind is the Holocaust, but what a lot of people don't know is that the Holocaust wasn't the worst mass murder our Earth has seen. Body I. The Rwandan genocide is one of the fastest but less known genocides we have on record. A. The genocide lasted only 100 days from April 6, 1994 through July 16, 1994 which makes it one of the shortest genocides in history. 1. President Hayarimana was assassinated in the beginning of April 1994 and that was the start of the genocide. . It is believed by many, that Hutu rebels shot down the presidents plane for a reason to start the mass murders, but has never been proven. 2. Only hours after the assassination, the killings began. a. A quote from an article called100 Days Of Slaughter published by PBS says, † The International Red Cross estimates that tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of Rwandans are now dea d by April 21, 1994. † B. An estimated 800,00 to 1,000,000 Tutsis and some moderate Hutus were slaughtered during the genocide. 1.Kathy Robinson a Holocaust and Genocide Professor stated that, † 6 men, women, and children were murdered every minute of every hour of everyday for 3 months. † 2. Three-quarters of all Tutsis in Rwanda were murdered during the genocide. II. The Hutu's didn't just kill the Tutsis, they dehumanized and murdered them in the most inhumane ways imaginable. A. The propaganda that the Hutus used to influence people into believing that the Tutsis were worthless and were better off dead. B. The weapons the hutus used to murder hundreds of thousands of Tutsis. C. The Hutu's used rape to torture, humiliate, and infect the Tutsis with HIV. . Rape wasn't just a weapon used to infect the women with HIV; the husbands were forced to watch their wives and daughters get rapped by several Hutu men. a. A quote by a Rwandan survivor named Aline, â€Å"My f ather had to watch us being raped and abused. My mother was raped, then my sister and then me. My father was forced to watch. He couldn't move, not even look away. † 2. The interahamwe (a militia group part of the genocide) paid HIV positive men to rape Tutsi women, so the women that weren't killed by a masus or another weapon would die from disease. 3. Up to 20,000 children were born due to the rapes that occurred in Rwanda.D. Many of the Tutsis neighbors and city officials were Hutus, so they had no one to turn to but their fellow Tutsis who were just as frightened as everyone else. 1. In a book called, Survival Against the Odds, where 11 year old Valentina tells her story and there was a quote from Sylvestre Gacumbitsi (the Mayor of her city), â€Å"He shouted: â€Å"We are the interahamwe. We are about to eliminate every Tutsi so that in the future no-one will even know what a Tutsi looked like. If anyone is hiding in this church by mistake, because really he or she is a Hutu, they should tell me now. † E.I have told you about the Rwandan genocide and how the Tutsi people suffered during the genocide. I will now share with you their struggles they continue to go through years after the genocide ended. III. How even though the genocide has been over for about eighteen years it is still hurting people today? A. The Rwandan women are facing many problems still to this day. 1. 60,000 Rwandan women are now widows. 2. 7 in 10 survivors make less than 5000 Rwandan Francs ( only 8 American dollars) a month. 3. Many women are unable to live in the city or villages they grew up because of the humiliation of being publicly raped. . The Rwandan women are also faced to look after orphaned children when they are hardly able to support themselves. a. Many of the children the women will take care of will be orphaned a second time due to HIV and AIDs. B. There are now 200,000 orphans in Rwanda due to the genocide. 1. Most of the children do not have homes. 2. Over half of the children have stopped going to school because of poverty. 3. Many of the children that are orphaned have brothers and sisters that are younger and are forced to take over the responsibility of their parents. C. HIV and AIDs are plaguing many of the people in Rwanda today. 1. 7% of women were infected with HIV and AIDs during the genocide. 2. There are currently 250,000 children in Rwanda who have been orphaned as a result of HIV/AIDs. a. Thats 2. 5% of the total population of Rwanda who's parents died from AIDs. 3. 27,000 children under the age of 15 are living with HIV/AIDs. D. Now that I have told you how many Rwandan people are still suffering from the genocide that happened 18 years ago I will go on and review what I have shared with you. Conclusion I. Review of Thesis/Main Points: I have told you about the rwandan genocide, how brutal it was, and how it is still affecting the rwandan people to this day.This tragedy will affect Rwanda for many years to come. II . Connection: Rwanda isn't the most well-known genocide but as you heard to day it is the most inhumane genocide to date. III. Final Memorable Remarks: No matter what happens in this our world there is no reason that any race of people should go through such a horrific event and we should learn from our mistakes so maybe in the future we will be able to stop genocide before it happens to save many lives. References â€Å"BBC NEWS | Africa | Rwanda: How the genocide happened. † BBC News – Home. N. p. , n. d. Web. 14 Nov. 2012.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Summary on the Article

The article entitled Omit the Unimportant discusses design in general and how it should be executed. There have been numerous technological innovations at this time and people patronize them because these things make their lives easier and more comfortable.However, many companies forget this important fact and turn their efforts to a product's design. They spend too much time on unnecessary details just to sell a product that they do not realize that the product has lost its functionality because of these details.â€Å"One of the most significant design principles is to omit the unimportant in order to emphasize the important† (Rams, 1989). Designers need to remember that simplicity can speak so much more than a complicated design.They need to go back to the basics and ask themselves what their customers want to see in them: functionality or design? While design is an important factor of a product, there is no doubt that their functionality should still be their main strength in terms of their ability to sell to the consumers.â€Å"Complicated, unnecessary forms are nothing more than designers' escapades that function as self-expression instead of expressing the product's functions† (Rams, 1989).It is also important for designers to remember that consumers are very influenced by a product's design. While this is beneficial for designers, it is not what consumers really need and they do not realize this soon enough.The author indicates two essential points that should be taken into consideration when designing. The first is that â€Å"items should be designed   in such a way that their function and attributes are directly understood† (Rams, 1989). Designers should be creative and innovative when it comes to their designs.However, their designs should not be misleading and confusing. They should remember that people appreciate it more when they can use something without too much effort. It all goes back to the basics: people patronize these innovations due to the way they make lives easier. Complicated designs and products loses this basic point.The second point that the author tries to make is that â€Å"the fewer the opportunities used to create informative designs, the more design serves to evoke emotional responses† (Rams, 1989).This means that people are influenced to buy a product just because of what it looks like. It also means that the more designers focus on the product's design, the more that the product's functionality is compromised. Products nowadays are made so as to attract people to be able to sell more.What the author suggests is for designers to go back to the idea of simplicity. Competition cannot be helped and it will always be present in all fields.However, this is not the only factor that makes a product â€Å"sellable† to consumers. No matter how great the design is if it proves to be confusing or not practical because the functionality is lost, the product will not sell in the ma rket. â€Å"Design is the effort to make products in such a way that they are useful to people† (Rams, 1989).Having said all these, it is still important to note that the author does not have anything against a great design. What he wants to say is that a product can have both without compromising the other.A product does not have to have a complicated design to be able to sell. In short, designers should omit those that are unnecessary so that they could focus more on the product's uses.Many people, especially those who belong in the older age groups, do not really mind how a product looks like as long as it does what it is supposed to do.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Sales and marketing management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Sales and marketing management - Essay Example Gathering of information using primary method is the best way because there is interaction with a client (Baker 2008). Primary methods to be used can be observation, networking, interviewing and focus groups. This paper will put forward an in-depth assessment of cause related marketing, its benefits to involved partners and application of various theories Cause Related Marketing Does Cause Related Marketing aim to Generate Resources for Specific Concerns? Starbucks and Nike are one of the few companies that engage in cause related marketing. Companies partner with non-profit making organizations with various purposes. Apart from marketing their products, they raise awareness and offer support and some give donations to hunger stricken people. Other purposes include enhancing a company reputation, to gain financially and to enhance a customer loyalty. This proves that Cause Related Marketing has an aim of generating resources for specific needs (Dibb 2000). Yoplait Yogurt is another g ood company that did Cause Related Marketing in 1997. This company formed a partnership with Susan Komen Breast Cancer Foundation to promote their yogurt and at the same benefit the cancer foundation. The partnership had been successful because the Cancer Foundation used to receive 10 cents for a cup of yoghurt bought. The brand image of Yoplait was promoted and this led to increment of their sales. It also created a public awareness concerning breast cancer which is a killer disease. Differences between Cause Related Marketing and Social Marketing Cause related marketing has its main focus on benefiting partners involved. It is used to generate resources, create awareness of a situation and improve the image of a company. There is marketing involved. Products of a company are marketed while trying to raise awareness of a social situation. The organization involved get financial help while companies increase their product sales. Social marketing is taking advantage of social media t ools to do marketing (Keller 2008). It enables customers to be informed, make better decisions and view products in a wider perspective. Through this way, a company is able to increase its sales and revenue. It is an old strategy of marketing. Benefits of CRM for Both Parties The primary goal for companies that engage in cause related marketing is to increase their revenue and promote their image. This type of marketing enhances brand building. Customers prefer companies or brands that associate themselves with donations. Companies that engage in charitable activities are preferred more than those that do not. Organizations benefit when they are funded by companies. Non-profit making organizations have more sources of funding when they partner with companies that engage in Cause Related Marketing. Companies known to donate to non-profit making organizations include Coca Cola and McDonalds among others (Kotler 2009). Cause-related Marketing generates goodwill for a company and create s organization awareness. Conclusion Cause-related marketing benefits all the parties involved. There is increase of sales because customers like to be associated with companies that engage in charitable activities. Both the images of businesses and organization are enhanced. There is awareness of a social phenomenon and organizations benefit financially. Brand Development Introduction Branding is always in a form of a logo which is designed to convey a certain message

Friday, September 27, 2019

Foundation Degree in Health and Social Care year 2 Essay

Foundation Degree in Health and Social Care year 2 - Essay Example Management on the other hand refers to an organizational process where there is strategic planning, objective setting, resource management, deployment of human as well as financial assets to achieve strategic objectives of a given company. In dealing with youths that are developing addiction to drinking, leadership styles are very important to consider in view of looking at the best style to apply. There are several leadership styles that can be applied. The first style is transformational style. In this style, there is an emphasis on the development of motivation, team building, involvement of collaboration and is purely based on their ideas. This method is wholesome in that the employees are able to create a relationship with subjects and develop into a positive outcome. The second type of style is transactional. In this type of leadership, there is maintenance of status quo through use of reinforcements. Inducements are used to create a continually positive flow of activities to m aintain some form of status. These two are broad and inculcate characteristics of a wide range of styles. Dictatorship is also another style that exists. In this case, all the rules and regulations are made by the leadership. All other people are subjective and cannot take part in decision making. It is similar to autocratic or authoritative leadership. Leadership by democracy is another style in which the will of the people prevail. It is participative in which the views of the people contribute to the final decision made. Laissez faire is another type of leadership that can be used. In this case, the leader is a ceremonial occupant to the position. The leader does not provide leadership but there is a free will to the subordinates to decide on what to do. Narcissistic leadership is a type of leadership in which the leader has interest in satisfying himself alone. All the discussed types of styles are relevant in creating a positive

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Horizontal and Vertical Financial Analysis - PepsiCo vs Coca-Cola Essay

Horizontal and Vertical Financial Analysis - PepsiCo vs Coca-Cola - Essay Example The structure of this article is framed in such a manner that firstly income statements of both the companies are analyzed on horizontal and then on vertical basis. Next section is based on the analysis of balance sheets for the two companies on horizontal basis and then followed by vertical analysis. The major components of income statements are analyzed for both the companies in respect of cost of goods sold, operating income, income before taxes and finally net income. Cost of sales for PepsiCo is around 43% of the sales whereas the same for Coca-Cola is around 35% of the sales which is substantially lower than that of PepsiCo. In respect of operating profits, Coca-Cola has also an edge over PepsiCo such that its operating income is around 26% of the sales whereas PepsiCo remained behind and has the operating profit of just around 18%. Coca-Cola remained successful in maintaining a healthy position in respect of its income before taxes such that it managed to earn income before ta xes around 28% of the sales whereas PepsiCo hardly managed to earn income before taxes of around hardly 19% of the sales. Net income for Coca-Cola has remained on a stronger side pursuing around 21% of its sales. On the other hand, PepsiCo just managed to earn net income of 13% of its sales in the three years. Following are the attached tables for percentage change on horizontal basis for two companies.... s 19.60 18.95 18.51 Provision for Income Taxes 7.08 4.69 5.28 Income from Continuing Operations 12.52 14.26 13.23 Tax Benefit from Discontinued Operations 0.00 0.13 0.00 Net Income 12.52 14.39 13.23 Coca Cola Inc.                Income Statement    Horizontal Analysis 2005    2004    2003 Net Operating Revenues 100.00 100.00 100.00 Cost of Goods Sold 35.47    35.30    37.28 GROSS PROFIT 64.53 64.70 62.72 Selling, general and administrative expenses 37.82 36.29 34.94 Other operating charges 0.37    2.21    2.75 OPERATING INCOME 26.34 26.21 25.03 Interest income 1.02 0.72 0.84 Interest expense 1.04 0.90 0.85 Equity income — net 2.94 2.86 1.95 Other loss — net (0.40) (0.38) (0.66) Gains on issuances of stock by equity investees 0.10    0.11    0.04 INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES 28.96 28.62 26.35 Income taxes 7.87 6.32 5.50 NET INCOME 21.09    22.29    20.84                   Income Statement Analysis on Vertical Basis In respect of vertical analysis, PepsiCo is found to have earned much more growth as compared to Coca-Cola such that PepsiCo’s revenues increased by 8% and 11% respectively as compared to previous years whereas Coca-Cola’s revenues increased with 4% and 6% during the same periods. Operating profits of PepsiCo increased by around 10% and 12% as compared to previous years, however, only 9% and 7% increase in operating income for Coca-Cola can be observed. Net income of PepsiCo decreased by 3.18% as compared to previous year but Coca-Cola managed to increase its net income by 0.52%. Following tables highlight the comparative vertical analysis for both companies. PepsiCo Inc.       Income Statement    Vertical Analysis 2005 2004 Net Revenue 11.28 8.49 Cost of sales 11.85 8.41 Selling, general and administrative expenses 11.63 8.70 Amortization of intangible

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Health Care in United States Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Health Care in United States - Term Paper Example United States of America and Italy are two very different countries; the major differences are in culture of the people living in these countries. There are major differences in how doctors in these countries deal with pain management. The process of child birth is the most beautiful process and thoroughly enjoyed and cherished for the parents. Every precious thing comes at a hefty price, the hefty price is the pain suffered by the mother in this whole process. The mother undergoes the experience of tremendous pain in this whole process of giving birth. This paper is going to examine the methods adopted by the doctors to handle the pain which is suffered during the whole process. These methods will be examined as they are carried out in two countries namely, methods in Italy and methods in United States of America. "Peridural anesthesia is an effective technique for providing analgesia during labor and delivery. The fact that it is not at all widely used in Italy can be ascribed to the lack of technical knowledge among health-care providers and the lack of information available to pregnant women." (Epidural Analgesia, 29 November 2008). Peridural anesthesia's main function is to reduce the pain which occurs during childbirth, in order to perform surgeries the doctors inject Peridural anesthesia in the spinal column with the help of a needle or a tube in a patient. The same reduces the pain significantly and it is used in many countries. "Epidural anesthesia is an attractive alternative to general anesthesia for a person who has medical complications that might make it difficult to tolerate or recover from general anesthesia." (Epidural Anesthesia) Italy is an exceptional country and does not follow the technique of regional anesthesia during childbirth and the method is almost obscure in the southern parts of the country. Most of the surgeons in Italy consider general option over regional anesthesia, they firmly believe in the notion that general anesthesia is relatively much safer than regional anesthesia. It is believed by many surgeons in Italy who handle the case of childbirth that the use epidural anesthesia gives rise to neurological complications. This perception of the surgeons in Italy is challenged by many, "According to Koll (1) out of 1541 reports of injury following anesthesia, more than half of the 227 cases of neurological damage were related to general anesthesia. In another survey conducted by INSERM (France), 19 accidents (6 of which were fatal) were reported, accounting for 0.43% of 4430 administrations of spinal anesthesia. In this last survey approximately 70% of the patients were elderly and therefore, pr esented a higher risk of complications. A survey in our hospital reveals 2 non-fatal accidents related to 6690 administrations of spinal anesthesia. Therefore, the rate of complications for spinal anesthesia in our hospital is 0.02%. These data show that the number of serious complications related to spinal techniques is not higher than that of general anesthesia." (Epidural Analgesia). There are various risks involved in the use of Peridural anesthesia, when anesthesia is used on a patient who has never been examined before, the anesthetic risk in that particular case rises to alarming high levels on the contrary it is found that the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Religion and Theology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Religion and Theology - Essay Example From this research it is clear that  one of the important aspects is to create a rapport with the needy person to enable them to open up. A pastoral care worker can only provide a remedy, if they have a perfect understanding of the problems or the pain the needy person is experiencing. A pastoral care provider must seek to know vital information regarding the problem the needy person is facing. This according to my inductors can only be achieved if the pastoral care worker creates an appropriate environment in which the needy person will cooperate exemplary. The success of pastoral care will rest hugely on the skills of the pastoral worker’s skills in manoeuvring different situations.This study outlines that  pastoral care is therefore as structured process, which requires the pastoral workers to employ their skills and Christian teachings to resolve the different situations. From my field experience, tutoring is an imperative stage, which provides the workers with initial skills to help them navigate some of the problems that may hinder the success of this form of counselling or care. Irrespective of the setting of the pastoral care, induction into the imperative aspects of practise is essential for any new pastoral worker.  For one to receive pastoral care, he/she must come to the church and register. This is the system the church has established to enable proper management of the program. In addition, the church leadership may also identify people who they feel need pastoral care despite not being members of the church.

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Absence of Consolidation in Democratic Nepal Essay

The Absence of Consolidation in Democratic Nepal - Essay Example The political parties are marginalized and bemoan the unconstitutional nature of the existing government.1 The Maoist abandoned the democratic process in 1996 and declared a "people's war" intending to establish a Maoist people's republic in the place of the constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. The insurgency was low in intensity and rural until the Royal Army was used to contain the insurgency following the declaration of a state of emergency in November 2001. The insurgents now control about 70% of the country. At the pretext of quashing the insurgents, the king declared a state of emergency in early 2005, the parliament was closed down and he assumed all executive and legislative powers. On April 24, 2006, the king reinstated the House of Representatives In early May 2006, the House of Representatives declared Nepal a secular country.2 Despite several governmental efforts, superficial at the best, there was no institutionalization of democracy in Nepal. The very causes that feed the insurgency are also the barriers to consolidation of democracy, some of which are: rural poverty, uneven development between urban and rural areas, endemic corruption, persistent socio-economic inequalities and the frustration at the delivery of public goods and services from the government.3 The obstruction of public development by insurgents create a vicious cycle of poverty and social discrimination compounded by the existing issues of poverty, ethnicity, language, Dalits, gender rights, girl trafficking, ecocide with centralization, misgovernance, more official corruption, Bhutanese refugees, autocratic tendencies of democratically elected leaders, weak accountability to democratic pressures, effects of economic liberalization, etc. These failed to establish links between freedom and modernity with a rationalization of social, econ omic and political pluralism and failed to construct civil attachments of the bulk of citizens to nationhood, the political society and the key institutions of governance.4 Once a polity has been democratized, the problem of consolidation arises, which is not a mere improvement in the overall quality of democracy. Instead, this quality is a product of appropriate analyses of electoral politics and market mechanisms. '"(d)emocratic consolidation requires much more than elections and markets." Rather, a consolidated democracy is a political situation in which democracy has become "the only game in town"'5 For Schmitter, the consolidation of democracy is "the process of transforming the accidental arrangements, prudential norms and contingent solutions which have emerged during the transition from autocracy into relations of cooperation and competition that are reliably known, regularly practiced and voluntarily accepted by those person or collectivities, i.e., politicians and citizens, who participate in democratic governance."6 According to Linz and Stepan: "A democratic regime is consolidated when no significant party within the polity attempts to create a non-democratic regime, when the majority of the people, even under sever economic crises or deep dissatisfaction, believe that democratic procedures and institutions are the most appropriate way of governing the country, and when governmental and non-governmental forces

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Interpreting the Phenomenology of Husserl Essay Example for Free

Interpreting the Phenomenology of Husserl Essay Phenomenology, at its very root had tried to provide us an alternative view, perspective and a method in acknowledging and knowing things. At the very core, Phenomenology tried to contrast the scientific disciplines and all other attempts that fell short in providing us a clear and concise knowledge of things. As stated in Husserl’s statement, â€Å"I exclude all sciences relating to this natural world no matter how firmly they stand†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Phenomenology is aiming for a new set of method aside from those introduced by sciences and even philosophy in knowing the things and concepts of the outside world. For this to be accomplished, Husserl and many other phenomenologists had tried to exclude the methods of science in their own methods. As stated, â€Å"†¦as it is presented in one of those sciences as a truth about actualities of this world. I must not accept such a proposition. † On this note, sciences are known for their sensual, (perception, auditory etc. ) inductive/deductive and generalizing tendencies of reasoning. Phenomenologists like Husserl undermine these kinds of method in discovering and knowing the objects of the world. Rather than using mere senses, rules of logic and generalization in describing the things and objects of the world, Phenomenologists had embraced a systematic subjective and relative approach in knowing the things and concepts of the world. Husserl argued that things and objects reveal themselves to us. Their characteristics and definitions can be revealed and known to us by experiencing them at its very core. The experience that they are talking about is a rich kind of experience that range from perception, cognition, volition etc. We can know things by experiencing them by their own and there is no need for us to ascribe and subscribe to the classic methods of production of knowledge like those we stated above. The phenomenologists embrace a very clear air of ‘non-judgmentalism’. They make sure that knowing and defining a particular object is not a result of a bias that is influenced by other experiences. The most important thing is to experience each thing by them alone. For Husserl, possessing such kind of mindset will enable the things and objects to reveal their selves to us for us to know and understand them. With this set of statement of Husserl, we can see and feel a great resentment of the classic and conventional way of knowing and defining things. The usual way of producing knowledge had produce numerous shortfalls and shortcomings that convinced Phenomenologists like Husserl to look back and pick their selves from scratch and start a new method that will really able to capture the definition and structure of things. This method of knowing had provided a new life and put back the importance to the subjective person who experiences the things and objects first hand rather than learning or reading it from someone else. Phenomenology of Husserl is a wave and school of thought in philosophy that attempted to rebuild the human experience and make it experience again in the very first place. Though sciences had produced us numerous innovations, we cannot simply deny its shortcomings. In this respect, this statement of Husserl is an attempt to go back there and know things as they are, as they reveals their selves to us. List of References Welton, Donn (1999) The Essential Husserl: Basic Writings in Transcendental Phenomenology. Indiana University Press [21 August 2010]

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cyber Threats Essay Example for Free

Cyber Threats Essay Before we get into the major cyber terrorism threats that we all have to deal with I wanted to first define what cyber terrorism is. According to the U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, cyber terrorism is any premeditated, politically motivated attack against information, computer systems, computer programs, and data which results in violence against non-combatant targets by sub-national groups or clandestine agents Unlike an annoying virus or computer attack that results in denial of service, a cyber terrorist attack could lead to physical violence or extreme financial harm. According to the U. S. Commission of Critical Infrastructure Protection, possible cyber terrorism targets include the banking industry, military installations, power plants, air traffic control centers, and water systems. Cyber terrorism is often referred to as electronic terrorism or information war. Based on recent reports and the information presented to congress, America has a long way to go before security threats are adequately addressed. Almost half of 2,131 U. S. ompanies polled had no formal security policies in place, and most relied primarily on user passwords and multiple logons for protection. Only 49% of U. S. companies had plans to raise user awareness of policies and procedures in the next 12 month. Unbelievably only half of 150 companies surveyed by InformationWeek Research one week after the terrorist attacks said that they plan to reassess the security of their facilities in light of those events. We need more people to be doing more creative thinking about compute r security, than those who are trying to attack us. In December, 2000 the Advisory Panel to Assess Domestic Response Capabilities for Terrorism Involving Weapons of Mass Destruction (aka The Gilmore Commission) released their second annual report which stated two possible cyber terrorist scenarios. First, It is easy to envision a coordinated attack by terrorists, using a conventional or small-scale chemical device, with cyber attacks against law enforcement communications, emergency medical facilities, and other systems critical to a response. Second, it is conceivable that terrorists could mount a cyber attack gainst power or water facilities or industrial plants for example, a commercial chemical plant that produces a highly toxic substance to produce casualties in the hundreds of thousands. The report adds that the most likely perpetrators of cyber-attacks on critical infrastructures are terrorists and criminal groups rather than nation-states. Denning, 2003 So, what can be done proactively to prevent cyber terrorism and cyber crime attacks? The first and easiest thing for you to do is harden and secure your systems by establishing secure configurations. Next you can prepare for intrusions by getting ready for detection and response. You also need to make sure you detect intrusions quickly when they do occur. You also need to respond to intrusions quickly to ensure you minimize the damage to your systems. Lastly you need to improve your security to help protect against future attacks. There are thousands of ways to help protect against cyber terrorism threats but I think the following are the simplest and most effective ways to start, Make sure all accounts have passwords and the passwords should be unusual, difficult to guess. Be sure to change the network configuration when defects become known. Constantly check with venders for upgrades and patches that can be installed to help strengthen your defenses. You can also choose to audit systems and check logs to help in detecting and tracing an intruder.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Benefits of Learning Through Play

Benefits of Learning Through Play Play is a very important part of a childs development, and can affect their development in a number of ways, there is a collection of principles that were formed to look at the value of play in nurturing a childs development, this is called the play Cycle. It consists of the following stages . Metalude-This is when a child chooses the activity or toy that the want to play with. Play Cue-This is an expression or a physical action which a child might do to show other children that they would like them to come over and be involved. For example, a child may have a toy car and pretend to mimic a crash sound to the other child which would then tempt them to involve themselves in the car game. Play return This is when a child or adult has accepted the request to play and then makes the decision to whether they want to involve themselves or not. Play Flow-this is when a child gets very involved in a task or activity, this usually starts from the play cue. Annihilation-This Is where a child makes the decision to stop what activity or play they are doing, reasons being boredom from repetition or if the game has ended. Play can affect all aspects of a child s development, below I have listed the different areas. Physical development Physical development through play for young children involves play which enhance gross and fine motor skills, for example threading string through small holes requires concentration and fine motor skills. Activities involving running, jumping, riding a bike requires gross motor skills. These are really beneficial for a child and need to be encouraged from a young age as they will be needed for them to take part in activities such as sports day. Children should also be encouraged to realise the importance of healthy eating alongside physical exercise. Emotional development-Play which involves emotional development is extremely important for young children and needs to be incorporated during school activities. This type of play is beneficial to all children of all ages but also helps encourage children who find it hard to express there emotions, a way in which this can be used for example children can use dolls or teddies to play out a situation, dress up and role play can be used also. This is good to build self esteem and self confidence to then assist in other incidents in school. Intellectual development- This type of play doesnt necessarily mean that a child has to put pen to paper, many play activities can be creative and fun that will benefit a child intellectually, for example a group of children could be doing junk modelling and they would then discuss which materials would suit each part of the model and what colour paints to use to then match up to the rest of the groups designs. Social development-Play is vital to make sure that children develop good social skills with there class friends, teachers and other adults. This is a life skill that needs to be encouraged from an early age to then get them ready for life in a school environment. Activities that can help build up childs social skills can involve for example a group of year 2 children having a classroom discussion about who is in there family, the other children can then discuss differences and similaritys, for example child A may say â€Å"I have a brother† child B may respond â€Å"I dont have a brother I have two sisters† obviously this type of discussion needs to be approached in a sensitive manner as some children have different family set-ups for example child a may not have a dad like child b which could then spark off a different conversation. Creating play spaces is paramount to a childs education and development. These play spaces will let children explore all sides of there development. Research was made in 2008 by OFSTED to look into learning inside and outside the classroom. This investigation found that when planned and implemented well, learning outside the classroom contributed significantly to raising standards and improving pupils personal, social and emotional development.Taken from When creating a play space within a school setting it is important to first launch a small discussion with the children to find out what they would and wouldnt like in a play space, letting the children get involved in planning and creating a play space will emphasise there interest, and also develop self confidence, this can be done by getting the children to draw simple plans on how they would like it too look, what items they would like to include and colours. Also getting the children to make a visual model of how they would like it look by using junk materials, shoe boxes,plastic bottles, cereal boxes etc. After the children have constructed there plans the teaching staff could let each child vote for which one they like and then the winning child(ren) could be taken to some other play spaces in different schools. its important to involve children in the group discussion of creating a play space to encourage self confidence and self esteem, it also teaches them that by taking charge of a project that there is hard work involved which will then show them that they need to respect all the play equipment. It is important to assure that all children are involved in the consultation process, irrespective of age,gender, ethnicity and impairment. Also making sure the play equipment is suitable for any children with physical disabilities. Its important that being a teaching assistant you support all play sessions, there are two main forms which are Structure Process Structural support is to make sure that the classroom is set up appropriately for children to carry out play safely. To assure this, messy, noisy and quiet play needs to be separate. Each child needs to know that help is available in each play area. Play spaces need to be set up to be appealing to the eye to encourage children to take part, some children need this encouragement for something to stand out as they find it hard to choose between different play activities. Good organisation is also key to assure a steady flow to each play activity, the teaching assistant will need to make the room layout is set out appropriately for the children involved at the time and any specific needs, Process support is what the teaching assistant may have to give to pupils when they are involved in a play activity. Teaching assistants need to ensure all play activities consist of the correct materials as this will enable the pupils to engage in the tasks in hand and learn to become proactive in there approach when learning. There may be children in the class that need extra support with activities due to certain disabilities or conditions, for example there may be a child with adhd who needs one to one interaction with certain activities and encouragement to get involved in the play space. It is important to make sure as a teaching assistant you do not take over the play activity and just assist, for example if a child is struggling to use a ruler to do a straight line the teaching assistant shouldnt do it for them instead get a ruler yourself and show the child on a separate piece of paper how to hold it etc, this will then build the childs confidence and they will feel like they have achieved something new that they couldnt do before and learnt a new skill. Various legislations need to be followed when creating a play space. This is to make sure all children are safe and protected when using play equipment, it is paramount that these are always adhered too as the childrens safety is vital. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 is put in to place to ensure all children have admittance to the same equipment, services etc as to those children without a disability When designing play space for children it is important to plan for children with disabilities, there advisability shouldnt be made obvious, facilities should be included that can stimulate children in more ways than one for example if a child has a physical disability other activities should be arranged so they are able to use there other senses, such as a texture table where they can touch items and guess what they are. If a play space is already arranged, it is important that these are equipped suitably for a child with a disability, for example if a child is wheel chair user t here needs to be adequate space for them to manoeuvre around but also to think of the needs of the other children without a disability. Its important to make every child feel valued and equal within the setting. This also goes for outdoor play spaces. According to wicksteed playscapes: RoSPAs publication â€Å"playgrounds for children with special needs† states:Like or similar play experiences should be available to all site users;i.e. If there are slides,rockers and roundabouts in a play area, then all users should be able to have sliding, rocking and rotating experiences, even if some users cannot access all play items or features. Author-wicksteed playscapes page 2 Risk assessments are vital when a play space has been created. Risk is hard to foresee but Play England have described it by stating: Providers need to decide for themselves what level of risk is appropriate in their provision, because the type and style of provision must be responsive to local circumstances. This is one reason why industry standards,which dont necessarily have a one size fits all format,need to be interpreted within the local context. This enables providers to include equipment or play opportunities that some more anxious parents might object to. However, simply reflecting the concerns of the most anxious parents, and altering playground design in an attempt to remove as much risk and challenge as possible, prevents providers from offering important benefits to the vast majority of children and young people. It may also lead more adventurous children to seek physical challenges in other, less well-managed environments, which others settle for sedentary activities Authors-S.Lester,Dr O.Jones,W.Russell Another two legislations that needs to be adhered too is stated below Occupiers liability Act 1957 and 1984 An occupier of premises owes the same duty, the â€Å"common duty of care†, to all his visitors,except in so far as he is free to and does extend,restrict,modify or exclude his duty to any visitor or visitors by agreement or otherwise EN1176 Playground Equipment Standard The royal Society for the prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) shows information on safety for play ground equipment, there are seven different areas covered in the legislation which are stated below Safety in general Different test and safety requirements for swings Slide safety requirements Runaway safety and test methods Roundabout safety and test methods Rocking equipment safety and test methods Installation,maintenance,inspection and operation Everything described in this unit concentrates on how play can affect a childs development, physically, emotionally,intellectually and socially and that it is vital for children to have the creation of play spaces. This unit also describes how sometimes a teaching assistant needs to intervene during a play session to establish smooth flow of play and to be aware.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

PATRIOT ACT :: essays research papers

1. Shannon, McCaffrey (2004, May 23). New laws to combat terrorism are working their way through Congress. Knight Ridder tribune Washington Bereau (D.C.) The Justice Department wants to find a way to expand its anti-terrorism powers by adding other methods such as a FBI subpoena power. Some may say that the changes in the bills are of the most significant since Congress passed the Patriot Act after the September 11, 2001, terror attacks. Some of the actions that were taken place have been recycled from a controversial Justice Department draft of a bill, called "Patriot II," which was discarded after details of its provisions were given to the media. Daniel Bryant, the assistant attorney general for legal policy, said the Patriot Act has helped law enforcement detect and disrupt terrorist plots. "But while Congress and the administration working together have made significant strides in improving the department's capacity to gather the intelligence necessary to prevent terrorist attacks, there is still more that needs to be done," Bryant told lawmakers at a May 18 hearing. Critics do not think giving law enforcement officials more power, complaining that there is not enough information has been made available about how the Justice Department is using the tools in the Patriot Act. There giving reasons why the patriot Act is being force and people complaining and telling why it not right to I am using this to show that the Partiot Act will help enforce certain rules and regulations that the government do not pay attention to. This article also talks about a new way to expand anti- terrorism powers by adding other methods. 2. Pike, George H. (2004, June 20) A Safer USA Patriot Act. Information Today. This article offers facts about the U.S. Patriot Act, which was ratified following the terrorist attacks in the country on September 11, 2001. It restructured several existing laws involving intelligence gathering, criminal law and procedure, and immigration practices. Though passed nearly unanimously by both houses of Congress, the act was controversial, particularly within the library and information communities in the U.S. The major initiatives of the Patriot Act is as follows: first, it expanded the type of information that could be obtained by

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Ecological Impact of Native Americans in Eastern North America :: American America History

The Ecological Impact of Native Americans in Eastern North America Shetler, in the book Seeds of Change: Five Hundred Years Since Columbus, supports the myth that the new world was an unspoiled paradise by stating that " Native people were transparent in the landscape, living as natural elements of the ecosphere. Their world†¦was a world of barely perceptible human disturbances"(Shetler 1991). Sale contends that the Indians had a benign effect and refering to them as the "Ecological Indian".(Sale 1990) These are fine examples of the new way of portraying the Native Americans as "Noble Savages". There is no question that the Europeans had a more obvious influence on the landscape than the American Indian, but the notion that the Native Americans were "transparent" or "benign" to the landscape is an absurd over exaggeration. When in fact, "twenty million indigenous people were hunting gathering, burning, tilling, and otherwise managing North America"(Anderson 1991). It is not the intention of this paper to claim the American Indians did more harm to the environment than the European Settlers, but one important notion that must be understood before proceeding is that "even though a landscape may appear green it is not in indicator of natural ecology". It is the intention of this paper to show that the Native Americans had a significant impact on the ecology of the Eastern North American Landscape, which is unknown to many scholars. Fossil records from 12,000 years ago show the appearance of the Large Mammals followed by Paleoindian in Eastern North America. Another piece of the fossil record shows that the appearance of Paleoindian brought about the disappearance of the large mammals. Some people feel that, "there is evidence to suggest that rapacious hunting practice of the paleohunters in North and South America 12,000 years ago may have caused†¦The demise of the very animals they hunted" (Powell 1987). The evidence Powell suggests is that the extinction of a large mammal is usually followed by the appearance of humans in the fossil record. This coincidence is not only seen in the fossil records of North and South America but Europe and Asia as well. Powell shows that as human populations increased local extinctions of large mammals occurred. This was probably due to the fact that there were not many predators that could hunt the large mammals except man. For this reason it is also highly like likely tha t man and large mammals did not co-evolve which ultimately resulted in the extinction of large mammals.